Tuesday, August 8, 2006

When it rains it pours!

This blog journal is meant as an educational tool for all who come in contact with someone who has the challenge of Fibromyalgia.

Along the way I'm going to also be adding little spurts of my daily life.

As is one of those moments.

I get overwhelmed and consumed by depression. The depression adds the my physical pain as well as mental pain.

Last weekend was one of those times for me. I was overtaken by horrible mental and physical pain that caused morbid thoughts.

When I am in those times I feel that it would be better to not be in this world and not have to suffer such horrible things.

Each time God steps up and places people and things in my life that shatter all that mental pain of depression.

I want to praise GOD for all HE does in my life just at the times when I need HIM most.

I also would like to thank God for using the people and things He uses in my life to real me back to thoughts of Him, not me.

I hope this is an inspiration to you and your life and the people around you.

One of the things I'd like to offer is this:

I will be there!

May you be blessed!

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