Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fibromyalgia Tip -- 5/10/08

Fibromyalgia Tips

Temperature discomfort

Fibro patients can be abnormally sensitive to cold or hot weather. They are often cold when others are hot, or hot when most people are comfortable – and can also have chills while sweating. Dressing in layers seems to be the best way to deal with this, as you can always take something off or put something on until you reach relative comfort.


The Maze Monster said...
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Jennifer Daugherty said...

Kimberly, thanks for you post about strange temperature discomfort. I have the worst time at work. I have on a jacket and I feel like I'm freezing, then I break out in a sweat... so I remove the jacket and go back to freezing... it's an all day thing! I just thought I was weird :-) but it makes sense to attribute this phenomena to fibro!

achildoftheking said...


Thank you for the comment.

I posted this because I deal with the temp thing too.

I find if I wear more breathable fabric, i.e. cotton or cotton blends I cope better.